As of March 1st, 2012, Cooper’s Cottage Lace, LLC will be known as
Cooper Lace. After five years of rapid growth, “Cottage” was beginning to sound
a bit quaint; we started with six Arts and Crafts lace patterns,
all of which focused on the 1890-1910 period, and now we have fourteen patterns appropriate for houses dating from 1790 to the present! Our unique approach to selecting distinctive patterns quickly separated us from all of the other lace retailers and won us rave reviews for our quality and beautiful patterns, to say nothing of our consistently providing the
best and most personalized customer service. Our patterns are available in more lengths, and more importantly,
more widths than any other company. We’ve expanded from a tiny newcomer to the leading provider of the finest 100% Scottish Cotton lace panels, and our products now enhance countless homes, museums and film sets.
I’m very proud of our success,

and so very grateful to all of you who have supported us over the past five years.
Our new website will go online very shortly, and, to celebrate, my next blog entry shall introduce our newest pattern, which I promise you is the most spectacular lace curtain design created in the past century! Its sneak preview at a trade show last week actually stopped attendees in their tracks; in 21 years of selling and designing lace curtains, I've never seen a response like this to a lace curtain panel!
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